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Ski Business Advertising - PR to Skiers

Snow Mail

PR-2-Skier - Press Releases direct to Skiers

We get Millions of visits to our website, and we send Millions of Snow Mails, every winter. We can help you reach them.

  • You send us your Press Release
  • We publish PR in J2Ski Ski News
  • Every new article appears briefly in summary, and for a few days as a headline, on the J2Ski Home Page
  • Most articles are picked up by Google, and may appear in News Alerts.
  • We email you after publication, to tell you how many people see your article.


For far greater reach, we can promote news items in our snow mails; a short summary or a graphic will link to the full article.

Pricing :- promotion is charged weekly, starting from £1000 per week.

FREE Trials

When we have space, you can send us a Press Release that you'd like us to work with, and we'll promote it for free for a week.

Some live examples

Vail Resorts Buying Crans-Montana

Published 30th November 2023

FREE Service

Over 1,000 views (to March 2024)

What's new in Verbier?

Published 26th November 2023


Over 9,000 views (to March 2024)

An Added Bonus!

Our news articles remain in place on J2Ski indefinitely, so your Press Release may be live until the end of time...