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People More Worried About Future Holiday Costs than Virus Fears

People More Worried About Future Holiday Costs than Virus Fears

Published : 03-Jun-2020 09:17

A number of consumer survey results that have arrived at J2Ski Towers in the past 24 hours seem to indicate (the travel companies that commissioned them clearly hope) that there's a pent up demand to head off travelling, and of the reasons not to go, virus concerns are low down the list.

A survey of its customer base by French-ski-holiday specialists Peak Retreats found that 84% of their clients from more than 2,000 surveyed are hoping to ski next year, whilst a survey of 500 travellers (not ski specific) on behalf of Allianz Assistance found that 69% of Brits were eager to book a holiday post-lockdown.

The Allianz survey found that 57% of people are worried about a likely increase in the cost of holidays, the biggest cause for concern among prospective holidaymakers.

For Peak Retreats the biggest worry (48% of respondents) was that quarantine may be applicable on their return to the UK, with 46% saying they felt there was, "just too much uncertainty surrounding travel at this time."

Concern about UK government advice to stay home was less of a factor, noted by 28% of respondents whilst less than a quarter (23%) said it was, "Not safe enough in respect of catching coronavirus."

Allianz found that younger travellers are the most keen to get away, with just 23% of 18 to 24-year-olds put off travel for the long-term, however almost half of this age group also confirmed they would only consider travelling when it is officially declared safe to do so. One in four of the 25-34s are keen on taking a foreign holiday as soon as possible.

Other results from Allianz included finding that 35% of people were unhappy with the idea that they might be required to provide a Covid-19 fit to fly health certificate when travelling and 33% of all respondents were put off by a potential need to wear a face mask whilst travelling with other passengers – now a standard requirement for most airlines.

Peak Retreats are selling ski holidays for next winter with various early booking deals and full refund guarantees in place: https://www.peakretreats.co.uk/winter/home
Allianz have a graphic of their full survey results here: https://www.allianz-assistance.co.uk/travel-insurance/travel-advice-and-news/is-the-uk-ready-to-travel-again.html

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